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Examples for DNS assume ISC BIND configuration format.

An example of real life configuration for CLD:

elanor          IN      A
                IN      AAAA    fec0:0:0:1:0:0:c0a8:8001
_cld._udp       IN      SRV     10 100 8081 elanor

The port (8081 above) has to correspond to the number configured for cld daemon with -p option. Port 8081 is a common default. Weight and priority (10 and 100) are not important if only one CLD node is used.

An example of real life configuration for tabled:

niphredil       IN      A
                IN      AAAA    fec0::1:219:b9ff:fe58:7ad6
*.niphredil     IN      CNAME   niphredil

This is necessary if the expected client uses hostnames to select buckets (default in Boto, called SubdomainCallingFormat).



local3.*                /var/log/local3.log

In a traditional syslog, the filename has to be separated by tabs, but in Fedora rsyslog takes spaces too. Don't forget to say "service rsyslog reload" (or send kill -HUP by hand). Thereafter, watch logs with "tail -f /var/log/local3.log". On longer-running systems, you'll need to establish a log rotation somehow (see "man logrotate" on Fedora).


This example assumes Fedora 13, but with hand-edited /etc/chunkd.conf.


OPTS="-C /etc/chunkd.conf"


<Listen> <Port>8082</Port> </Listen>
<!-- We use the low digits of IP address for ID for now. -->

Don't forget mkdir /q/chunk-default.

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